Keeping up to date with the voguish colours, styles and trends is immensely important to us as we know many of our customers rely on this information. Your vision for your home and the requirements of your space are at the center of every decision, whether you’re looking to adopt bolder colour or nurture a flow between rooms.
Whether you’re feeling swamped by countless possibilities, looking for the confidence to try something new, or unsure where to start with a tricky space, our expert consultants will help make the process of transforming your home as relaxed and enjoyable as it should be.
From the first phone call to the final follow up, we are there to help. Your Consultant will carefully consider every element of your space and how it’s used. Putting your tastes, ideas, and lifestyle at the forefront of every decision, they will work with you to create an easy-to-follow scheme, taking the stress out of choosing colours and finishes.
To ensure we are up to date with the latest colours, styles and trends, our painters enjoy reading the current painting magazines. We also have regular conversations with staff at our selecting paint supply shops and we also spend time on the Internet to see what’s new.
So whatever painting consulting advice you might require, rest assured that we would have the answers. So get in touch now. Of course, at the end of the day we will be there to guide you!